My daughter is unable to focus in her studies. She loses her confidence before exam and she performs below average in exams.

Thank you for sharing with us scanned copy of her test paper. It helped a lot to analyse her problem. Looking at her test paper I observed that she always cut her answer written in first attempt and then she rewrites the same answer on the next page and both the answer are dot same. It seems she is suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Please consult a doctor and get it properly diagnosed. Best of Luck.
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Me and my wife fights frequently. I want to restore our relationship. Can you please help us out with this?

Understanding and Compassion for each other is at the core of any successful relationship. It is not at all necessary that two people align on each and every thought. Inquire about the reason for disagreement and respect each others’ views. Everybody is brought up in different conditions hence it is normal that something which is a matter of great concern to you doesn’t bothers your partner and vice versa. Respect that mindset differences too. When love grows humans ignores flaws and even a small mistake will get magnified when love shrinks. Treat each other with respect, plan surprise gifts for each other, hug and kiss each other frequently. List is too long but due to space constraint can’t write it all here. Cherishing each other differences by understanding and compassion will help you bring back the charm of your relationship. Best of Luck.
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How to deal with a nagging child?

Generally children nag to get something done what they want and you don’t or vice versa. They create such a scenario that forces you to accept their demand. Very first thing to do is to maintain your calm and simply ask the child to communicate his/her concern in normal mode and open the gate of negotiation for him/her. Explain the child that is is always advisable to evaluate all the available options before taking any decision and rest assure him/her that if his/her option is better you will definitely allow him/her for it. This will turn your child to listening mode and then you can explain the cons of the option which is not feasible but he/she is nagging for. Then your child will be left with no other option than obeying you. If by any chance he/she still nags with it because of immaturity; keep on asking the solution of the negative consequences due to it and slowly things will change. Even if the child is not totally convinced than also he/she will not turn negative towards you. In fact within a reasonable time he/she will understand that you are his/her well-wisher and it will change his/her perception towards you and he/she will listen and obey you by him/her self without any more nagging. Best of Luck.
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I am frustrated with back biting at my work place and planning to quit my job. Can you please help me on how to deal with it?

We are living in society and it’s a part of its nature. Even you will find it the same at the next job within few days. Quitting is not a solution to your problem. Learn to be with it without getting it on your nerves. For that occupy yourself in constructive work. Focus on your output and give your best at work. You will never get time then to focus on what they say about you. It’s as simple as that. Let them talk about you as you don’t have any control on it. But you can control your thoughts and action. So just do that and see the difference. Let your work speak for you and make them speechless with your work. To an extent level of your success is defined by the criticism you face. Those who cannot compete you will criticize you. They know that they cannot beat you and are not capable enough to surpass you hence they will try to pull you down and bring you to their level. If you think of what they think then who will think of what you actually need to think on. So just be deaf to them and focus on your overall growth. Best of Luck.
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Few people bully me in my neighbourhood. They embarrass me in front of other people. I protested but they make more out of it and it increases day by day. I am not that physically strong to fight back with them. Can you help me out with this?

Understand why they do that with you. Because somewhere they enjoy seeing you annoyed and frustrated. Just cut-off the string of their happiness and they will automatically stop bullying you; as we humans do everything either to gain happiness or avoid pain/unhappiness. Stop reacting and maintain your calm. Give them a warm smile and say God Bless You. If required imagine they bully and practice smiling back at them in imagination. This will help you a lot dealing with the real situation more confidently. In case you are afraid of getting physically harassed then to avoid any extreme situation you can take help of local police. Best of Luck.
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